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De violents combats ont éclaté dimanche entre les forces azerbaïdjanaises et les séparatistes de la région du Nagorny Karabakh soutenus par l’Arménie, faisant des morts civils et militaires. During the early days of the conflict, Moscow adopted a reserved attitude, and after within only few hours, most probably brokered the ceasefire. [67] On 8 May the Armenia's First Channel release footage from military positions near Seysulan. [49] Some Turkish commentators have suggested a Russian strategy to destabilize the region.[28]. ‘Source: [120] Armenian and international reporters announced that after Talysh was retaken by Armenian troops, an elderly Armenian couple had been found shot in their home and their corpses had been mutilated. En 1994, un cessez-le-feu met fin à la guerre du Haut-Karabagh qui oppose, d'un côté, les Arméniens du Haut-Karabagh et de l'Arménie et, de l'autre, l'Azerbaïdjan. The Four-Day War,[a] or April War,[b] began along the Nagorno-Karabakh line of contact on 1 April 2016 with the Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Army, backed by the Armenian Armed Forces, on one side and the Azerbaijani Armed Forces on the other. [152] However NKR foreign ministry and Armenia defense ministry says this is a falsification and distortion of the reality. A lot is being done in this direction. Alors que Moscou fait office d'arbitre dans la région, le président russe Vladimir Poutine a appelé à la fin des affrontements dans le Haut-Karabath, les pires dans cette zone disputée depuis 2016. Six civils azerbaïdjanais, un de plus que dimanche, et deux civils arméniens du Nagorny Karabakh ont également succombé. [81], On 4 April, the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense reported that an Armenian command and control center had been destroyed and released a video which captured footage of the attack. Heavy fighting is reported in the southern (Hadrut) and northeastern (Martakert) directions of the frontline. The fighting focused mainly on the front line with a length of 257 km. Le Nagorny Karabakh a été le théâtre d'une guerre au début des années 1990 qui a fait 30.000 morts, et depuis lors, Bakou veut en reprendre le contrôle. Bakou, qui dispose de revenus importants grâce à ses réserves immenses de pétrole, a depuis des années dépensé sans compter en matière d’armement, et a menacé de reprendre le Nagorny Karabakh par les armes si nécessaire, alors qu’une médiation internationale échoue depuis près de 30 ans à trouver une solution négociée. [28][49] [54] The OSCE Minsk Group is the only internationally agreed body to mediate the negotiations for the peaceful resolution of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. [172] Karabakh and Armenia government rejected his criticism. [126] Azerbaijan's Ministry of Defense denied these reports. La région du Haut-Karabakh (appelée également république de Nagorny-Karabakh) a depuis lors proclamé son indépendance, qui n’a cependant pas été reconnue au niveau international. [155][156][157], On 10 April, the State Commission on Prisoners of War, Hostages and Missing Persons of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic said that of the 18 bodies of Armenian soldiers transferred that same day by Azerbaijan, all showed signs of torture or mutilation. [138] Sloyan was interred for a second time the following day, to lay his head with his body. Le ministère de la Défense du Nagorny Karabakh a indiqué avoir regagné des positions perdues la veille, mais l'Azerbaïdjan a affirmé avoir fait des gains territoriaux, usant de roquettes, de l'artillerie et l'aviation. Directeur de la revue « Europe&Orient » 18/07/2020. [99] [175], Christine Philippe-Blumauer noted, "Russian official reactions suggest that Russian troops would not actually decide to intervene in favor of the Armenian side, should the conflict scale-up to a fully-fledged war yet again. "[144] According to the public report of the Human Right's defender (ombudsman) of NKR, "the facts of beheading Hayk Toroyan, Kyaram Sloyan, and Hrant Gharibyan by the Azerbaijani troops, as well as the torturing and mutilation of 18 NKR army members constitute grave breaches of customary international law". #KarabakhNow #NKpeace #HumanRights #Peace", "The interim public report of the Human Right's defender (ombudsman) of NKR, European Ombudsman Institute Official Site, April 2016", "Armenian soldiers' bodies not decapitated or desecrated, says Azerbaijan", "Complaint about beheading of Armenian soldiers filed to ECtHR, advocate reports", "PACE to Present Beheading of Armenian Soldiers to Europe Human Rights Commissioner", "Co-Rapporteurs' Visit: PACE officials address Karabakh escalation on Armenia trip", "HALO begins emergency clearance in Nagorno Karabakh", "Statement on the use of white phosphorus bomb by the armed forces of Armenia against civilians and civilian objects of Azerbaijan", "Specialists eliminate white phosphorus shell fired by Armenia on Azerbaijan's Terter", "Defense Ministry spokesman responds to Azerbaijani allegations of white phosphorus usage: Azerbaijan is in an ill-mannered delusion", "NKR MFA: Falsification and distortion of reality is integral part of Azerbaijan's foreign policy", "Azerbaijan staged a story about white phosphorus", "All bodies of the deceased transferred by the Azerbaijani side had signs of torture and mutilation", "Заявление Государственной комиссии НКР по вопросам военнопленных, заложников и без вести пропавших", "Кавказский Узел - Азербайджан опроверг заявления о глумлении над телами убитых", "Son döyüşlərdəki şəhidlərimizin sayı 93-ə çatdı (Qeyri-rəsmi siyahı)", More than 2000 people left Karabakh for Armenia amid 2016 NK conflict escalation – UNHCR representative in Armenia, "bne IntelliNews - Nagorno-Karabakh: the slow-motion conflict", "How Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict Could Spark Major International Crisis", "Պատերազմի առաջին զոհը ճշմարտությունն է, եւ լրագրողներս պետք է այն հասցնենք հանրությանը", "Russian expert: The Armenian side can strike a big blow to Azerbaijan's economy (video)", "Nagorno-Karabakh: New Opening, or New Peril? lance une boutique à Lille, Les prix de l’OIV mettent deux Champenois à l’honneur, Les collégiens du collège de Gueux en contact avec les étoiles. La guerre des Quatre Jours7,8,9, ou guerre d'Avril, a lieu lors du conflit frontalier au Haut-Karabagh sur la frontière qui sépare la République du Haut-Karabakh et lAzerbaïdjan. Aucun camp n’a fait état de pertes jeudi, l’Azerbaïdjan précisant seulement ne pas avoir enregistré de victimes parmi les civils. In Baku, Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov had a discussion about a railway line from Russia to Iran through Azerbaijan. The Nagorno-Karabakh War ended with a ceasefire agreement between the warring parties that came into effect on 12 May 1994. [178], Armenian Defense Ministry Spokesman Artsrun Hovhannisyan stated that the Azerbaijani attempted to take part of northern Karabakh with a "blitzkrieg", which failed. Erevan a annoncé la mort d'une femme et d'un enfant, tandis que Bakou a annoncé celle d'une famille azerbaïdjanaise de cinq personnes. Monde Reprise des combats entre l'Arménie et l'Azerbaïdjan après une courte trêve, GUERRE Depuis dimanche, l’Arménie et l’Azerbaïdjan se livrent à des combats transfrontaliers qui ont fait seize morts, Publié le 16/07/20 à 11h32 La médiation internationale sur le Karabakh, appelée Groupe de Minsk, inclut, outre Moscou, la France et les Etats-Unis. He became the youngest person ever to hold the title at 19 years old. Le cessez-le-feu est régulièrement violé, ce qui entraîn… Bakou a notamment perdu un général. As the former US ambassador to the Minsk Group, Mr Bryza puts it, "The key to resolving this is to get the two presidents to have sufficient trust in each other, and Russia is not going to be able to do that". Combats entre l'Arménie et l'Azerbaïdjan : "une guerre ouverte" aux portes de l'Europe Par Cécile de Sèze , publié le 27/09/2020 à 18:54 , mis à jour à 19:03 Moscou, qui entretient des relations cordiales avec les deux belligérants et représente le grand arbitre régional, a immédiatement appelé à une cessation immédiate hostilité. Mercredi, des journalistes de l’AFP ont pu se rendre dans certains de ces villages bombardés, de chaque côté du front. On 26 January 2016, the plenary of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe rejected the draft report with a title "Escalation of violence in Nagorno-Karabakh and the other occupied territories of Azerbaijan"[56] by British MP Robert Walter. Cependant aucun traité de paix n'est signé et ponctuellement des escarmouches éclatent les années suivantes sur la frontière10. Le président azerbaïdjanais Ilham Aliev avait menacé vendredi l’Arménie de représailles, en raison de son «comportement agressif», évoquant les affrontements du mois de juillet, et avait accusé Erevan de «faire échouer à dessein les négociations» de paix sur le Karabakh. Azerba ï djan - Arménie : une guerre hybride. All these operations constitute gross violations of human rights; they are opposed to European human rights and human values; they significantly endanger the European system for the protection and promotion of human rights". [114] On 16 January 2003 former president of Armenia Robert Kocharian said that Azerbaijanis and Armenians were "ethnically incompatible"[115] and it was impossible for the Armenian population of Karabakh to live within an Azerbaijani state. Le Kremlin, qui se positionne en arbitre dans la région, livre des armes aux deux pays. The NATO policy of encirclement, which goes from Estonia, through Poland and Ukraine to the, Karabakh is reality. Further skirmishes occurred on 21 April, killing another Nagorno-Karabakh soldier. [59] Each side blamed the other for the outbreak of clashes around the towns of Aghdara, Tartar, Agdam, Khojavend, and Fuzuli. Tous droits réservés. La France, médiatrice du conflit avec la Russie et les Etats-Unis dans le cadre du Groupe de Minsk, a aussi appelé à cesser les hostilités, de même que Bruxelles et Berlin. [48], Among the possible reasons behind the conflict escalation is Azerbaijan's worsening economy. [117], The incitement of hatred against Armenians and promotion of hate speech is one of the main challenges of creating the necessary conditions to enhance the peace process of the Karabakh conflict settlement, as well as to establish an atmosphere of confidence between the people of the conflicting sides: Nagorno Karabakh, Azerbaijan and Armenia.[118]. Règles de bonne conduite / Un commentaire abusif? [94], According to Azerbaijani claims Armenian Armed Forces directed high caliber artillery fire at a mosque (in Əhmədağalı, one civilian dead),[95] schools (in Seydimli, one schoolboy injured)[96] and residential buildings as well as civilian infrastructure. L'Arménie et l'Azerbaïdjan étaient au bord de la guerre dimanche après de nouveaux combats ayant fait au moins 23 morts et une centaine de blessés entre les forces azerbaïdjanaises et la région séparatiste du Nagorny Karabakh, soutenue par Erevan. "We are concerned by the information received, that peaceful civilians were killed in the Nagorno-Karabakh settlements through partly cruel and inhuman methods of execution. [60][63] An AFP journalist confirmed that the Lalatapa heights were also under Azerbaijani control. Nevertheless, Armenian sources claimed much higher numbers varying between 300 and 500. A soldier of the Nagorno Karabakh military was reported killed in action with Azerbaijani forces on 19 April. Une enquête a été ouverte après la disparition d'une jeune femme de 18 ans samedi soir en Isère. The draft report suggested that the format of the negotiations should be changed. [92][93], On 5 April, Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense announced that the mutual ceasefire agreement, which was got in Moscow by the head of Azerbaijan and Armenia's Armed Forces, was breached by Armenian forces which shelled Azerbaijani positions near Tap Qaraqoyunlu with 60, 82 and 120 mm mortars. Les combats ont fait des dizaines de morts, dont au moins 27 soldats séparatistes lors des affrontements de lundi. It was announced, that the recognition of the independence of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic is "due to the results of discussions between Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh, [and] considering further developments, including external factors. The NKR Ministry of Defense says the Karabakh forces destroyed three Azeri tanks and an unmanned aerial vehicle in the southeastern and… However, Russia alone is not entirely stabilising influence. In 2015 the press-release of the OSCE Minsk group Co-Chairs stated: "The Co-Chairs called for the Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan to accept an OSCE mechanism to investigate ceasefire violations. Au moins 16 militaires séparatistes ont été tués, et plus d'une centaine blessés lors de ces combats, selon les autorités du Nagorny Karabakh. [clarification needed][102] Their list consisted of 94 names, while the Defense Ministry of Azerbaijan confirmed only 31 deaths. J. V. Sirapian. [57], On 19 March 2016, in his speech President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev openly accused the Minsk Group Co-Chairs-the only internationally recognized body to mediate between the sides- of provocation against Azerbaijan and stated the Azerbaijan's confidence in their activities had been completely undermined.[58]. Au printemps 2018, une révolution pacifique a porté au pouvoir l'actuel Premier ministre Nikol Pachinian, qui tente de démocratiser le pays. Olesya Vartanyan, experte du International Crisis Group, a soutenu à l'AFP que cette nouvelle escalade s'expliquait notamment par l'absence d'une médiation internationale active. L'armée azerbaïdjanaise a aussi publié une vidéo montrant, depuis les airs, la destruction de trois engins militaires ennemis. Il a appelé la communauté internationale à empêcher une "ingérence" turque dans le conflit. 07/09/12 | Monde, Tensions entre l'Azerbaïdjan et l'Arménie, 03/09/12 | Monde, Meurtrier gracié: L'Arménie prête à la «guerre» contre l'Azerbaïdjan, 20/11/12 | Monde, Pour le président azerbaïdjanais, l'Arménie est une «colonie», Choix de consentement © Copyright 20 Minutes - La fréquentation de 20 Minutes est certifiée par l’ACPM, Six questions pour comprendre la crise politique qui secoue l'Arménie, Reprise des combats entre l'Arménie et l'Azerbaïdjan après une courte trêve, Depuis dimanche, l’Arménie et l’Azerbaïdjan se livrent à des combats transfrontaliers qui ont fait seize morts, - La fréquentation de 20 Minutes est certifiée par l’ACPM, Deux morts malgré la détente diplomatique entre Azerbaïdjan et Arménie. Les forces armées de l’Azerbaïdjan ont dit avoir lancé dimanche matin une "contre-offensive" après une "agression" arménienne, usant de son artillerie, de blindés et de bombardements sur la province sécessionniste. Ilham Aliev, qui a succédé à son père Heydar en 2003, a entrepris ces dernières années une intensive politique de promotion de son pays, grâce à son énorme manne pétrolière. [187], Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense claimed that the Azerbaijani armed forces remain in control of strategic heights near the village of Talysh. The Ministry of Defence of Nagorno-Karabakh published some aerial photos to prove that Azerbaijan deploys military units near populated areas and violated the Article 52 of Geneva Convention. L'enclave à majorité arménienne, rattachée en 1921 à l'Azerbaïdjan par les autorités soviétiques, a proclamé unilatéralement son indépendance en 1991, avec le soutien de l'Arménie. [153] The usage of phosphorus munition by the Armenian military was also reported by Al Jazeera. — Mis à jour le 16/07/20 à 11h41. [82][83] The Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense claimed that along with numerous military personnel, two high-ranking Armenian officers were killed as a result. [181] On 17 May Sargsyan stated that the Armenian side had lost control of "800 hectares of land having neither tactical nor strategic importance". [48] Les derniers affrontements et échanges de coups de feu entre les deux États se sont produits lors d’une série d’accrochages en 2016 qui a duré quatre jours. Selon lui, les villages d’Agdam, Donar Gouchtchou et Vakhidli essuyaient « des tirs d’armes lourdes et de mortiers ». [146], Relatives of three Armenian soldiers killed and beheaded during the escalation filed a complaint against Azerbaijan to the European Court of Human Rights. The clashes have been defined as "the worst" since the 1994 ceasefire agreement signed by Nagorno-Karabakh, Azerbaijan and Armenia. La Russie, puissance régionale, les Etats-Unis et l’Union européenne ont tous appelé l’Azerbaïdjan et l’Arménie à cesser les hostilités. Au moins 40 personnes sont mortes en 24 heures dans les combats opposant séparatistes du Nagorny Karabakh, soutenus par l'Arménie, avec l'Azerbaïdjan, selon des bilans annoncés lundi, des affrontements laissant craindre une guerre ouverte entre Bakou et Erevan. Le ministère azerbaïdjanais de la Défense a indiqué dans un communiqué avoir lancé une«contre-offensive sur toute la ligne de front», afin de «mettre fin à des activités militaires des forces armées de l’Arménie». The NKR Ministry of Defense says the Karabakh forces destroyed three Azeri tanks and an unmanned aerial vehicle in the southeastern and northeastern direction of the line of contact. [60] According to Armenian sources, on the night of 1 April and early morning of 2 April, the Azerbaijani side launched large-scale attacks along the contact line between Karabakh and Azerbaijan. Out-of-date equipment and poor communication lines were believed to be the cause for the death of many Armenian soldiers within the first few hours of the clashes. The Nagorno-Karabakh authorities also welcomed the oral agreement. Et depuis près de 30 ans, il est parvenu à éviter une guerre ouverte. On 2 April, a 12-year-old Armenian boy was killed as a result of missile artillery attack from a BM-21 Grad near the border with Martuni. On dénombre vingt-trois morts. The problem of racism and xenophobia towards Armenians in Azerbaijan were addressed and confirmed in a number of documents adopted by different international organizations, including the Concluding observations of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD/C/AZE/4 dated 14 April 2005)[119] as well as the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) reports on Azerbaijan dated 28 June 2002, 15 December 2006, 23 March 2011 and 17 March 2016, the Council of Europe Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities opinions on Azerbaijan dated 22 May 2003 and 9 November 2007. The OSCE Minsk Group organized a meeting only after several days the conflict sparked, and the parties declared the ceasefire even before the meeting took place. Ces combats, qui ont débuté dimanche à la frontière nord entre ces républiques ex-soviétiques du Caucase, mettent face à face deux ennemis de longue date et constituent les heurts les plus graves depuis 2016, laissant craindre une déstabilisation de la région. Un conflit majeur impliquant Erevan et Bakou pourrait entraîner l’intervention des puissances en concurrence dans la région du Caucase, la Russie et la Turquie. [188] Responding to Sargsyan's claim on the Armenian troops' loss of 800 ha of territory, Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense stated that the Azerbaijani military took control of 2000 hectares of territory. La région du Haut-Karabakh est disputée depuis près de trente ans par les deux pays. Plusieurs maisons ont vu leurs vitres ou toits soufflés, mais les localités ne semblent pas avoir subi de dégâts majeurs. - AFP, Coronavirus: près de trois Français sur quatre se disent prêts à se reconfiner, Attaque à Paris: les enquêteurs s’interrogent sur l’identité réelle de l’assaillant, De violents combats ont éclaté dimanche entre les forces azerbaïdjanaises et les séparatistes, Azerbaïdjan : combats meurtriers au Karabakh séparatiste, Sans le Viti Vini, les sociétés vont prendre l’initiative pour attirer les clients, Opération « Coteaux propres » samedi 3 octobre, L’association Champagne, Terroirs etc. Erevan appartient à une alliance politico-militaire dirigée par Moscou, l'Organisation du traité de sécurité collective. Alors que Moscou fait office d'arbitre dans la région, le président russe Vladimir Poutine a appelé à la fin des affrontements, les pires dans cette zone disputée depuis 2016. As a reaction to the draft report, the OSCE Minsk Group issued a statement, which reads as follows: "We understand that the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) may consider resolutions on the conflict in the near future and remind PACE, and other regional and international organizations, that the Minsk Group remains, but urge that steps not be taken which could undermine the Minsk Group's mandate from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe or complicate ongoing negotiations". [154] Azerbaijani Military Prosecutor's Office initiated a criminal case upon the finding. Since then, both Azerbaijan and Armenia have reported over 7,000 breaches of the ceasefire;[46][47] more than 100 breaches of the ceasefire were reported and 12 Azerbaijani soldiers had been killed in 2015 alone. "[168] Russian military expert Vladimir Yevseyev said that the Azerbaijani offensive, despite initial victory, was not a success because the Azerbaijani side has numerous killed soldiers and destroyed tanks. [107][108] Moscou a appelé dès dimanche matin «à un cessez-le-feu immédiat» et à des pourparlers entre les belligérants, alors que les deux camps se rejettent la responsabilité des hostilités. L’Arménie, bien plus pauvre, est cependant plus proche de la Russie, qui dispose d’une base militaire en territoire arménien. [138][139][140][141] According to Regnum News Agency and KavNews Russian agency, during his visit to Terter, Agdam and Barda districts, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev awarded the Azerbaijani soldier, who allegedly "looks like" the soldier that had posed with the severed head of Sloyan. Azerbaijan has been openly preparing for offensive operations against Nagorno Karabakh for several years which is evidenced by the continuous massive military buildup,[50][51][52] as well as the Azerbaijani authorities numerous statements in favor of a military solution to the conflict. Le général azerbaïdjanais Maïs Barkhoudarov a proclamé que ses troupes sont prêtes à se battre jusqu'à la dernière goutte de sang pour anéantir l'ennemi. [19][162], According to Christoph Bierwirth, UNHCR representative in Armenia, more than 2,000 people left Nagorno-Karabakh for Armenia amid the clashes. According to Armenian officials, residents of Talysh and Madagiz had been evacuated and provided with shelter in other parts of the region. Une guerre s’en est alors suivie entre les deux pays, faisant 30.000 morts et des centaines de milliers de réfugiés. [7][182][183], On 26 April 2016 Sargsyan fired 3 senior Armenian army officials, including the chiefs of the Logistics, the Intelligence and the Communications Departments, a move which was apparently influenced by the public criticism of the high death toll among the Armenian soldiers. Le bruit des bottes résonne à nouveau dans le Caucase. Des pourparlers de paix sont dans l’impasse depuis de longues années. [18], Various non-official Azerbaijani sources, per research of social networks, put the actual number of Azerbaijani soldiers killed at 94, while two remain missing. Military clashes continue all along the line of contact of the armed forces of Nagorno Karabakh and Azerbaijan. L'Arménie et l’Azerbaïdjan ont repris, ce jeudi, leurs affrontements transfrontaliers, après une journée de cessez-le-feu, selon les ministères de la Défense des deux pays. Cette terre musulmane, à forte majorité chiite, est contrôlée d’une main de fer depuis 1993 par la famille Aliev. Azerbaijan claimed to have regained 20 km2 (7.7 sq mi) of land,[8] while Armenian officials suggested a loss of 8 km2 (3.1 sq mi) of land of no strategic importance. Des combats opposent régulièrement séparatistes et Azerbaïdjanais, mais aussi Erevan et Bakou. [274], Claims of atrocities and usage of prohibited munitions, Karabakh Fighting Highlights Azerbaijan's New Israeli Weapons, Eurasianet, 6 April 2016, Karabakh MFA: No traces of abuse or ill-treatment were discovered on bodies of Azerbaijani soldiers", A1+, 15 April 2016, Armenian-controlled territories surrounding Nagorno-Karabakh, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons, State Commission on Prisoners of War, Hostages and Missing Persons, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Black Garden: Armenia and Azerbaijan Through Peace and War, UN Security Council resolutions 822, 853, 874 and 884, "The Nagorny Karabakh Conflict: Defaulting to War", "Armenians and Azerbaijanis commemorate two years since breakout of "April War, "President Serzh Sargsyan invited a meeting of the National Security Council", "Azeri Offensive In Karabakh Failed, Says Sarkisian", "Nagorno-Karabakh's Gathering War Clouds", European Union Institute for Security Studies, "Karabakh lost 800 ha of land that played no strategic role: Armenia (video)", Silahlı Qüvvələrimiz tərəfindən 2000 hektardan artıq ərazi azad edilib, "Heavy Fighting Erupts in Nagorny-Karabakh", "Karabakh War Casualty Update: Armenia puts April death toll at 92", "ICRC: Fates of all reported missing in April hostilities in Karabakh clarified", "Մահացել է ԱԹՍ-ի հարվածից վիրավորված՝ Սիսիանի ջոկատի կամավորներից մեկը", "125 wounded soldiers undergo treatment in Armenia and Karabakh hospitals", "Armenian Soldier Succumbs to Wounds After Months of Treatment", "Serj Tankian calls on supporting families of killed Armenian soldiers", "Azeri surgeon: Number of severely injured soldiers greatly tops the norm", "Azerbaijan kills over 320 Armenian occupants in April clashes", "Azərbaycanın Müdafiə naziri: "Aprel döyüşlərində 560 erməni məhv edilib, "Siyahı: 93 hərbçi şəhid olub, 6 mülki şəxs dünyasını dəyişib (YENİLƏNİR)", "Baku says Armenia's military dictatorship threats values that civilized world stands for", "18 Armenian, 12 Azerbaijani troops killed in fighting", "Минобороны Азербайджана назвало потери в боях", "Министерство Обороны Азербайджана признало факты скрытия погибших в Нагорном Карабахе", "Four-Day War Fallout: Armenian politicians insist on Karabakh's becoming full party to talks - Karabakh -", "APA – 'Four-day war': Changed status quo, balance against Armenia", "President Serzh Sargsyan met with first President Levon Ter-Petrosyan to discuss Four Day War", "What the fighting in Karabakh means for Azerbaijan and Armenia", "A Frozen War in Russia's Backyard Heats Up", "Արցախի հյուսիսային սահման.

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