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Many conversions were noted across eastern Anatolia, particularly in Hamshen, Yusufeli, Tortum, İspir, Bayburt, Erzincan. [13] Following Perestroika the first Bahá'í Local Spiritual Assemblies of Armenia form in 1991[14] and Armenian Bahá'ís elected their first National Spiritual Assembly in 1995. Practitioners of this faith celebrate Christmas on January 6, combining the birth of Jesus with the Feast of the Epiphany. En 1990, une mosquée fut détruite au bulldozer. Les historiens arabes postérieurs parlèrent de cette période comme de « l'année du grand incendie ». Islam, major world religion promulgated by the Prophet Muhammad in Arabia in the 7th century ce.The Arabic term islām, literally “surrender,” illuminates the fundamental religious idea of Islam—that the believer (called a Muslim, from the active particle of islām) accepts surrender to the will of Allah (in Arabic, Allāh: God). Although Armenia was declared the domain of the Caliph, almost all Armenians, although not all, remained faithful to Christianity. This canonization event is one of the largest in history and the first performed by the church in 400 years. In about 652, a peace agreement was made, allowing Armenians freedom of religion. Lors des invasions arabes, les Arméniens ne se sont pas convertis à l'islam, à l'exception des Hémichis, qui sont ethniquement proches. A new translation of the Qur'an in the Eastern Armenian dialect was started with the help of the embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran located in Yerevan. Religion Kloster Geghard Die dominierende Konfession im Land ist das orientalisch-orthodoxe Christentum , das in Armenien die Armenische Apostolische Kirche repräsentiert; ihr gehören gemäß dem letzten Zensus von 2011 etwa 92,64 % der Bevölkerung an. The 2011 census counted 13,996 Catholics. Bien que l'Arménie fût un territoire du califat omeyyade, la plupart des Arméniens conservèrent la foi chrétienne. [76] Sie spielt eine zentrale Rolle für die armenische Identität. In 1912 a translation from a French version was published. As a part of Abbas his scorched earth policy during his wars against the Ottomans, and also to boost his empire's economy, he alone deported some 300,000 Armenians from the Armenian highland including the territory of modern-day Armenia, to the heartland of Iran. et en lutte contre les invasions de peuples musulmans. Actuellement, les musulmans sont évalués à un millier[1]. Droit d'auteur : les textes des articles sont disponibles sous. Although the government promises the right to freedom of religion, several denominations have filed reports of religious persecution. Before joining these functions, whether in the civil administration or military, they always had to convert to Islam, like in the Ottoman Empire, but the ones who stayed Christian (but couldn't get to the highest functions) did not have to pay extra taxes unlike the Ottoman Empire. In the territory of the modern Armenian republic, only a single mosque, that of the Blue Mosque, has survived to the present day. Other minority religions, and their respective numbers of followers, include Evangelicals, which total 29,280 adherents among Armenia's population, followed by Catholics (13,99… During times of crisis the ones in the remote regions of mountainous often also had to suffer (alongside the settled Muslim population) raids by nomadic Kurdish tribes. As previously mentioned, the Armenian Apostolic Church is the national religion, and has the largest percentage of followers among the Armenian populace. According to the Census of 2011, there are 1,733 Nestorians in Armenia. Une traduction d'après une traduction française fut éditée deux ans plus tard, toujours dans le dialecte arménien occidental. The Constitution as amended in 2005 provides for freedom of religion and the right to practice, choose, or change religious belief. La guerre du Haut-Karabagh à partir de 1988 a poussé la grande majorité des musulmans arméniens à fuir vers l'Azerbaïdjan. L'islam en Arménie est surtout la religion de résidents temporaires venus d'Iran et d'autres pays musulmans, puisque dans son identité même, l'Arménie s'est construite comme un pays chrétien et en lutte contre les invasions de peuples musulmans. Le christianisme en Arménie Vous constaterez très rapidement au cours de votre voyage en Arménie que les dernières statistiques officielles et les derniers recensements ne mentent pas et n’exagèrent pas, ici près de 95% de la population pratiquent la religion chrétienne. Plusieurs tentatives de convertir les Arméniens à la foi musulmane échouèrent. Le prince Théodoros voyagea à Damas, où il fut reconnu par les Arabes comme gouverneur d'Arménie, de Géorgie et d'Albanie du Caucase. Islam began to make inroads into the Armenian Plateau during the seventh century. According to the Census of 2011, there are 7,587 adherents of Eastern Orthodoxy in Armenia, mainly Russians, Ukrainians, Georgians and Greeks. This is not, however, the only religious identity within the country. La ville comptait à l'époque sept mosquées chiites[3]. These individuals came to present-day Armenia in an attempt to escape religious persecution by Ottoman Turks and Sunni Kurds in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries. In the region of Yusufeli (Pertakrak in Armenian), Armenian Catholic priest Inchichian writes that most of the Muslim population was Armenian in origin but had converted to Islam to escape heavy taxation and oppression in the early 1700s; Inchichian visited the village of Khewag (Yaylalar) and met Islamized Armenians in the village. L'islam en Arménie est surtout la religion de résidents temporaires venus d'Iran et d'autres pays musulmans, puisque dans son identité même, l'Arménie s'est construite comme un pays chrétien et en lutte contre les invasions de peuples musulmans. There is, however, a minority of ethnic Armenian Muslims, known as Hamshenis, the vast majority of which live outside of Armenia mostly in Turkey and Russia. It finds some support from nationalist political parties of Armenia, particularly the Republican Party of Armenia and the Union of Armenian Aryans.[5]. A significant number of mosques were erected in historical Armenia during the period antiquity, the Middle Ages, and the modern age, though it was not unusual for Armenian and other Christian churches to be converted into mosques, as was the case, for example, of the Cathedral of Kars. The Safavid suzerains also created the Erivan Khanate over the region, making it similar to a system as was made during the Achaemenid times were satraps would rule the area in place of the king letting the entire Armenian highland stay Muslim ruled, until the early 19th century. In the region of Dersim, the Armenian Patriarchate of Constantinople reported that groups of Armenians had converted to Alevi Islam and had assimilated with Kurdish Zazas who had migrated to Armenia during Ottoman rule. The majority of these individuals live around Mount Aragats. La mosquée bleue est la seule qui reste aujourd'hui. Of the 3.1 million people living in Armenia, approximately 98% are of ethnic Armenian descent. Google Play, Android et le logo Google Play sont des marques de Google Inc. Hey! [15] similarly in the region of Palu some Armenian villages converted to Sunni Islam and assimilated into the Sunni Zaza community. Mille copies de cette traduction furent imprimées en 2007, après que le résultat eut été approuvé par le centre d'études coraniques de Téhéran. Before this, the dominant religion was Armenian paganism, under the theological influence of Zoroastrianism. Approximately 98.1% of the country's population is ethnic Armenian. Since the end of the Soviet Union, American Protestant missionaries have been proselytising in the country. Des représentants spéciaux du calife appelés ostigans furent envoyés en Arménie pour la gouverner. Last edited on 27 September 2020, at 19:00, Church of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "How do European countries differ in religious commitment? [11][12], During the Ottoman period many Armenians were forced to convert to Islam throughout Western Armenia through massacres, social pressure, and harsh taxation. The first printed version of the Qur'an translated into the Armenian language from Arabic appeared in 1910. La première version imprimée du Coran traduite de l'arabe en arménien fut imprimée en 1910. The world's largest Yazidi temple is constructed in the small village of Aknalich. (2008). The law places some restrictions on the religious freedom of religious groups other than the Armenian Church. In the region of İspir (Sper in Armenian), 100 Armenian villages were burned down in 1723 and much of the population was converted to Islam by force. Il s'agissait essentiellement de Kurdes, sunnites, et d'Azéris, chiites. During the late Tsarist period Muslim populations made up substantial populations in the territory of present-day Armenia. Line: 192 [1] Russian Orthodox community is centered around Church of the Intercession of the Holy Mother of God in Yerevan, consecrated in 1912. The church has its roots in the Pietistical Union, a Bible study group from that era. Un grand nombre d'insurrections échouèrent tout au long du VIIIe siècle, à la suite de ce massacre. Plus de 400 membres de la noblesse furent coincés dans l'une des églises de la province de Nakhitchevan. The governors made the city of Dvin their residence. pour les papiers, des rapports, des projets, des idées, de la documentation, des enquêtes, des résumés, ou une thèse. Both were in the Western Armenian dialect. “Raiders and Neighbours: The Turks (1040-1304),” in, Kouymjian, Dickran (1997). [22] In the Sharur-Daralagezsky Uyezd 20,726 Armenians were likewise outnumbered by the Muslim population, consisting of 3,761 Kurds and 51,560 Tatar Turks. L'Arménie a ses propres Églises, l'Église apostolique arménienne, dont les fidèles forment la grosse majorité de la population du pays et l'Église catholique arménienne. The Catholic Church in Armenia is divided between Latin Rite parishes (subject to Apostolic Administration of the Caucasus) and Armenian Catholic Church's parishes. Disponible en français, anglais, espagnol, portugais, japonais, chinois, allemand, italien, polonais, néerlandais, russe, arabe, hindi, suédois, ukrainien, hongrois, catalan, tchèque, hébreu, danois, finlandais, indonésien, norvégien, roumain, turc, vietnamien, coréen, thaïlandais, grec, bulgare, croate, slovaque, lituanien, philippin, letton, estonien et slovène. In Turkey only the Hopa Hemshin have preserved their language, which constitutes the Homshetsi dialect of Armenian, in the modern era. It recognizes "the exclusive mission of the Armenian Church as a national church in the spiritual life, development of the national culture, and preservation of the national identity of the people of Armenia." In the region of Tayk centered around Tortum, a Muslim cleric named Mullah Jaffar was given charge from the Ottoman government to take census of the Erzurum province and to levy taxes. The son of Armenian prince Taharten, governor of Erzinjan, His son by a daughter of the emperor of Trebizond converted to Islam and was made governor of erzincan by Timur. La première version imprimée du Coran traduite de l'arabe en arménien fut imprimée en 1910. In 2009, the Pew Research Center estimated that 0.03%, or about 1,000 people, were Muslims - out of total population of 2,975,000 inhabitants. Each of the 30 parts of Qur'an have been read and approved by the Tehran Center of Qur'anic Studies. Although some Armenians converted to Islam and became influential members of Beylik society, Armenian architecture influenced Seljuk architecture, and many Armenian Nakharars remained autonomous leaders of Armenian society under Muslim Emirs In Erzincan, Tayk, Sassoun, and Van. By Amber Pariona on September 23 2019 in Society. Yazidi is has a combination of beliefs from several religions, including Christianity, Islam, Zoroastrianism, and Judaism. Plusieurs tentatives de convertir les Arméniens à la foi musulmane échouèrent. [3], The Muslim Arabs first invaded Armenia in 639, under the leadership of Abd ar-Rahman ibn Rabiah, 18,000 Arabs penetrated the district of Taron and the region of the Lake of Van. Although centered in Armenia, its practitioners are located in several other countries, particularly in Poland, Lebanon, and Syria. [2] With the Seljuk invasions of the eleventh and twelfth centuries, the Turkic element eventually superseded that of the Arab and Kurdish. Many Armenians were also forced to convert to Islam, on the penalty of death, during the years of the Armenian Genocide. Répartition de la population musulmane en Arménie vers 1890, les zones sunnites étant en vert foncé et les zones chiites en vert clair. During the Armenian genocide of 1915, many Armenians converted to Islam to escape deportation and massacre. The diocese pleaded with the Pope and the king of Spain to intercede with the Shah of Iran to lessen the persecution of Armenians. The Constitution of Armenia separates church and state, while simultaneously establishing the Armenian Apostolic Church (AAC) as the national church. Foreign missionary groups are active in the country. [citation needed], Hetanism (Հեթանոսություն, Hetanosutyun) is a neo-ethnic religion movement in Armenia. While the Armenians of Constantinople benefitted from the Sultan's support and grew to be a prospering community, the same could not be said about the ones inhabiting historic Armenia. Function: view, Les invasions arabes et les révoltes arméniennes,énie&oldid=172143791, Bedr ad-Din Lu'lu, successeur de la dynastie, Farqad as-Sabakhi, prêcheur et associé d'. Other minority religions, and their respective numbers of followers, include Evangelicals, which total 29,280 adherents among Armenia's population, followed by Catholics (13,996), Jehovah’s Witnesses (8,695), Eastern Orthodox Christians (8,587), Molokan (2,974), Assyrian Church of the East (1,733), Islam (812), Protestant (733), and Mormon (241). Function: _error_handler, Message: Invalid argument supplied for foreach(), File: /home/ah0ejbmyowku/public_html/application/views/user/popup_modal.php The 18th century Blue Mosque is open for Friday prayers. Une traduction d'après une traduction française fut éditée deux ans plus tard, toujours dans le dialecte arménien occidental. [4] Prince Theodoros Rshtuni led the Armenian defense. This church can be traced back to the 1st Century AD when its ideology was introduced by Bartholomew and Thaddeus, both Christian apostles. Many Armenians joined the Safavid functions, in the civil administration and the military (the so-called ghulams) since the time of Shah Abbas the Great. In 2009, the Pew Research Center estimated that less than 0.1% of the population, or about 1,000 people, were Muslims. Toutes les informations a été extrait de Wikipédia, et il est disponible sous licence Creative Commons paternité partage à l’identique. With the historical provinces being subsumed within the borders of the Republic of Turkey in 1923, the remainder of Armenia became a part of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Armenia. With the establishment of the Iranian Safavid Dynasty, Afsharid Dynasty, Zand Dynasty and Qajar Dynasty, Armenia became an integral part of the Shia world, while still maintaining a relatively independent Christian identity. Today, this group is building the largest Yazidi temple in the world in a small town in Armenia. [22] 41,417 Tatar Turks, 27,075 Armenians and 19,099 Kurds lived in the Surmalinsky Uyezd. This is not, however, the only religious identity within the country. The majority of these individuals identify as members of the Armenian Apostolic Church, around 92.5%. [3], In the 21st century, the largest minority Christian churches in the country are composed of new converts to Protestant and non-trinitarian Christianity, a combined total up to 38,989 persons (1.3%). During these meetings, the members began to disagree with the practices of the Armenian Apostolic Church. Yazidis are concentrated primarily in agricultural areas around Mount Aragats, northwest of the capital Yerevan. There was an Emir of Van named Ezdin who had Armenian sympathies and was said to be descended from Seneqerim Hovhannes Artsruni, the king of Vaspurakan. Mille copies de cette traduction furent imprimées en 2007, après que le résultat eut été approuvé par le centre d'études coraniques de Téhéran. Line: 107 It was founded in the 1st century AD, and in 301 AD became the first branch of Christianity to become a state religion. Les portes furent fermées, et l'église incendiée. Armenia became the first country to establish Christianity as its state religion when, in an event traditionally dated to 301 AD, St. Gregory the Illuminator convinced Tiridates III, the king of Armenia, to convert to Christianity. Many Yazidis came to Armenia and Georgia during the 19th and early 20th centuries to escape religious persecution. Although some converted back to Christianity after the massacres ended, many remained Muslims and became Kurdified and Turkified. During the Arabic conquest, Islam came to the Armenians; however, very few Armenians converted to Islam, since Christians were not required to convert by Muslim law. In eastern Anatolia, however, they were eventually Turkified except for the Armenians of Hamshen who kept their language in the isolated Pontic Mountains until Turkish Muslim schools were opened in the 1800s and the western Hemshin became Turkified as the Armenian language was condemned as sinful by Muslim teachers. The village of Cancova (Cancik) in Zara was a village of 400 Armenian families in 1877, but only 48 families remained Christian by the 20th century. Today, this religion is practiced in several countries.

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