Nick's Dark Eldar (for reference): Haemonculi . −The Reavers and the Venom with the Archon hid behind the sand dune to the left of the Dark Eldar's deployment zone. Eldar Addict: Dark Eldar vs Squatarii War Convocation The Angry Initiative | 1d4chan Wiki | Fandom 1750 pts… This sounds like a slaughter by the match up, and indeed when facing 8 flyers with a completely ground based Dark Eldar list, that is what I was prepared for. Kabal of the Black Heart Air. Ravager 140 . Kestrah's Kabal. All the Warp Beast Packs advanced forward. The Soul Eaters successfully regroup and move 3" towards Da Aarghh Boyz, determined to shut them up. 9th edition is on the way, and with it a whole raft of changes to the factions of Warhammer 40,000. Eldar Vs. Dark Eldar - Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War ... Mann's Sanctum - 1850 pts Dark Eldar Vs Imperial Guard. All the Warp Beast Packs advanced forward. Aim. What a great game. Adeptus Custodes; Adeptus Mechanicus It will hold three new Dark Eldar Ravegers and five new Dark Eldar Raiders. 5 incubi 80 . 30k and 40k can mix well but you'll […] As far as I am aware he did not have any . With the Munitorum Field Manual out in the wild and the Faction FAQs released, now's a good time to start taking a look at what's changed for all of . 160 10 Warriors, Splinter cannon in Raider 105 Ravager 105 Ravager I initially built this list for team play, 2x1000 vs 2x1000, but also used it in solo. It's a battle through Space/Time - 30K Templars face off against 40K Dark Eldar! A Dark Lance is knocked off another. Dark <Eldar> - Dawn of War Player's Guide A Ravager, several Raiders, and a squadron of Reaver jetbikes made up the Dark Eldar right flank. Battle Brief: Dark Eldar Fleet vs Airborne Cav. - Faeit 212 Custom text is not available on this product. So I've gotten the chance to get plenty of battles in with my Dark Eldar, and I've been able to refine and perfect my 1750 point list to maximize efficiency. Talos and Chronos are very lackluser and really have no place in a competitive environment. 9th edition is on the way, and with it a whole raft of changes to the factions of Warhammer 40,000. Black heart patrol. I kept in reserve the incubi unit. Dark Eldar were set up behind cover and had a 3 Raiders with troops on board, a Ravager, as well as Charlie's infamous "Dark Lances". Dark eldar vs Necrons 1750: Poison of the serpent. Liam "Corrode" Royle. The game is a 1500 point Big guns never tire game of Dark Eldar vs Tau. Dark technomancer patrol . With the Munitorum Field Manual out in the wild and the Faction FAQs released, now's a good time to start taking a look at what's changed for all of . Two more Jetbikes are shot down in a hail of Bolter fire. Archon (labyrinth cunning) 65 . He ran a combo of Heamonculus covens and standard DE, having a Heamonculi HQ and two grotesque squads in raiders, a big beastmaster squad, a full up court of the archon, incubi in raider, two warrior squads in venoms, ravager and voidraven bomber. The Dark Eldar did not have much on in the game at this point - they did some shuffling and took some wounds off a few of my Chimeras and just about halved Punisher's wounds. Ravager 140 . Torturous Efficiency: If a model with this obsession rolls a nat 6 to wound with any gun, you improve the weapon's AP by 1. Air only) DID YOU KNOW YOU COULD SAVE AN ADDITIONAL 5 . Forum Index » 40K Tactics. An Incubus wargroup-leader is known as a Klaivex. The Predator Destructor has about a 55% chance of killing a Raider/Ravager. My new Dark Eldar list vs Imperial Guard. -. I normally try to make sure we have some decent proxies for units we don't have yet, but was unprepared for Macathu's list. This is a 1500 point army list to tackle a Grey Knight opponent tonight. The is a 1750 point game of purge the alien of necrons vs dark eldar allied with eldar. Dark Eldar armies make use of various anti-gravity skimmers such as Raiders and Ravagers to launch high speed attacks. His reserves are a unit of wyches in a raider, ravager, and razorwing. I realize that all I've been doing lately is Battle Reports, but w. Author Message Subject: Advert. The Dark Lance Ravager is prevented from moving or shooting. Last weeks battle report first of a fantasy game is followed up by another first this week- a battle report that I didn't actually play in! Battle Brief: Dark Eldar Fleet vs Airborne Cav. A raider missed a vyper. This was a very exciting game to play and also very challenging as well. . Soulstorm/Reaver Jetbike Soulstorm/Raider Soulstorm/Talos Pain Engine. BBF here again with a new written battle report featuring my Templars versus Dark Eldar. Raider: Dark Lance, Kabal. The second game was Vs Ork's which was a totaly annihilation. While broader in application, your heavy . Today GW shared with us the Ravager. I have over a decade of competitive Dark Eldar play and have been doing this game for a long time. Take What is Ours - Dark Eldar Vs Chaos Space Marines 1500 pts Battle Report . He moves his ravager to the rear of my ghost ark. Turn 2 Dark Eldar. Join us by filling out a tiny 3 field form and you will get your own, free, dakka user account which gives a good range of benefits to you: By. Raider 'Fangs' moves away from the closest Orks. The turning point in the game was when Joes Riptide destroyed 2 of Bens Raiders in the 1st turn making half of the Dark Eldar have to run up the board while Joe was . Dais of Destruction - Ultimate vehicle, protected from range damage, effective vs all units, dark scythe front canal ability. As the Paladins and Terminators continued, undeterred, up the field towards the Dark Eldar deployment zone and to get greater cover from the horrendous guns of the Ravager. I had just finished a lot of my Raiders and Ravagers, so I just really wanted to use them, and to see what would happen. A Ravager, several Raiders, and a squadron of Reaver jetbikes made up the Dark Eldar right flank. I have a grudge match coming up sometime this week against a friend and long-time tabletop opponent and thought I'd ask for a quick sanity check and run down of my army list to see if there's any glaring mistakes. My one deepstriking melta squad blew up a ravager. Upon the battlefield it fulfils the role of armoured fire support, engaging the heaviest of enemy . 1 Warrior) along with the Wych Raider and a Ravager. It's a monster mash on Halloween! 2 Talos were also in their mix of surprises. Join us on twitch at 1pm ET tomorrow, October 31st, for a hardcore showdown! The tank buster of the Dark Eldar, the heavily armored Ravager moves more nimbly than similar vehicles . Raider . vs. 6 inch thick tray. The Green Wyches disembarked behind the trees, while the Steel Wyches disembarked on an objective. I move in towards the center of my table edge so my Venoms can move 6" and the Warriors / Trueborn can fire at the Land Raider. As such, this little green blast marker with a stand . Ork turn 1 : Orks rumbled forth, bellowing out their battle cries over the snowy field. They are able to move at an astonishing speed, yet lightly armoured and are highly vulnerable. Adeptus Custodes; Adeptus Mechanicus Well y'all, it's me again, with more Battle Report love from Dark Eldar. -. Lord Commisar Scared Mann looks upon the battlefield in this forsaken sector of the citycalled Vilograd. By. I think that at least 2 of these will be necessary for DE to win against other Flyer-spam armies that will be popping up. Page 3 of 3 - Dark Eldar Tactics - posted in = DRUKHARI =: But the FAQ says that DS units still count for deployment drops, right? Battle Report: Militarum Tempestus vs Dark Eldar . A bit shaken by the primal fury of the greenskins, the Dark Eldar begin their turn 2. Throw in the Eldar psychic powers and they had the potential to cause me a lot of problems. Drazhar 135 (warlord) 5 wracks- 2 liquifiers 60 . This week's battle report features an 1800 pts match up between Seb's Orks and James' Dark Eldar. On Wednesday night Ben Dark Eldar and Joe (Tau) had a game of Purge the Alien. Ravager, 3x Dinsintegrators = 125 . Description. Uxbridge 40k Tournament: Game 4- White Scars vs Dark Eldar (Drukhari) The final game of the day saw my White Scars take on Paulie and his Drukhari/Dark Eldar raiders. What about units that begin the battle embarked within a transport? Maybe just modeling for either heat or S Cannon would end up being more useful in the long run. The problem now is that the Preditor Anihilator has a 76% chance of killing one of the skimmers and it costs 165 points, and with the amount of dark lances 10 Raider . I'll probably keep them in reserve versus armies that have fliers . I had a damn fun time. I put the hanger-on on the other side, added a shortened raider spear, and added some splinter . Facebook; Twitter; Instagram; Facebook; Twitter; Instagram; Battle Report. Saturday, November 12, 2011. . 5 incubi 80 . The Ravager was converted from the original transport vessel to a heavy fire support vehicle, and has fortified front and side armour. Dark Eldar Vs IG advice? They were the game's definitive glass hammers (aside from the thrice-damned Shadow-field and the Talos, grrr, I'm still bitter . 9th Edition Faction Focus: Drukhari/Dark Eldar. Frantic, the Fire Warriors, Dreadnought and Broadsides turned all their guns on Lelith's raider. Eldar Addict Friday, July 1, 2016. The Terminators disembark. . A few highlights from the battle were 2 raiders and the ravager were destroyed, the assault marines squished my Archon and his warrior squad. In the ruins of Velak the dark eldar attempt to steal away Tau slaves but they put up a heavy resistance. Realized at this point that the jetbikes don't give linebreaker. −Dark Eldar won the roll-off and elected to take the first turn. Heavy Support - Ravager, Fire Prism. Joe won the game completely anhilalating the Dark Eldar and Ben only killing about 3 of Joes units. Tyranids: First Blood, Warlord, 5 killpoints. Ravager, 3x Dark Lance = 155 Ravager, 3x Dark Lance = 155 Ravager, 3x Dark Lance = 155 The difference between this list and the other one is that I have a crap ton of heavy weaponry and darklight that will make a lot of players flinch. The TLLC/HB Pred has about a 63% chance, and the Auto/LC Pred has a 68.5% chance of making a kill. Commorragh's Drug dealer So far i have played 2 games based on the new DE codex. Despite the full complement of Dark Lance, Heavy and Light Disentegrator fire poured into the mass of enemy Raiders, I only managed to down a single Raider; The Dracon Raider was shaken, his lone Ravager was stunned, and a single wound was taken off the Talos that was lined up against my left flank. This raider takes off towards my big HQ unit. So in the end, the dice were totally on the Dark Eldar's side. 1750 pts… Raiding Forces - CP Refund + HQ + Archon: Blast Pistol, Huskblade, Overlord, The Djin Blade . After a significant portion of shooting, I finally wrecked the raider, with the assassin dealing the deathblow. With Dark Eldar, there isn't much competition in the Heavy Support Slot. Buildings [] We messed up with proxies this game, and I apologize. Facebook; Twitter; Instagram; Facebook; Twitter; Instagram; Battle Report. So in a list whet I have multiple raiders, all with dark lances, and the option for a ravager with 3 DL, I probably don't need to worry about packing more Dl into a scourge squad then.  Dark Eldar  (1000 points, Shantz . 5 incubi 80 . 9th Edition Faction Focus: Drukhari/Dark Eldar. A Dark Lance is knocked off another. It's going to be Dark Eldar vs Nurgle as the denizens of the Webway try to play a nasty trick on the . The game progressed from there with the Dark Eldar advancing to meet the Marines on the right of the table. My collection is a largely from the various 'getting started' box sets, and conversion jobs in a money saving effort. Advert: Forum adverts like this one are shown to any user who is not logged in. This goes to show how powerful they are - that even after killing two Raiders with a Dark Lance each and 1.5 infantry squads, they can still plink of wounds with . I decided to bring a combined DE and Eldar force. Raider vs. Venom: There's a lot of . July 20, 2020. The Dark Lance Ravager is prevented from moving or shooting. John is busting out his Pirates into Mark's Zombies! One of his raiders fires on my big HQ unit, inflicting no wounds. The changes made can be seen with the mounting of three devastatingly powerful heavy weapons. Ravager Allied Dark Eldar: Haemonculus 3 blasterborn in venom 8 Wyches with the works in a raider Ravager So as you can see, I've brought back the voidraven. At least it will match my other one. Troops - 1 x Squad of 5 Dire Avengers, 2 x Squads of 10 Dark Eldar Warriors, 1 x 5 Wyches. 5 wracks- 2 liquifiers 60 . Court of archon- 4 ur guhls 64 . Just don't drop it… On the Tabletop. Dark Eldar Turn 1: Movement. Turn 3: Grey Knights turn. Nevertheless I 'flat-out' my two empty Raiders up the flanks. While I still have many experimental lists to test, I believe my current 1750 list provides the core of what Dark Eldar does best. I've played through the bi-polar 3rd edition book, enjoyed the awesomeness that was Phil Kelly's 5th, to the god damn terrible flavorless books of 6th and 7th. does anyone have new edition ravager and raider? Dark Eldar vs Orks 2k Points, Seize Ground, Spearhead Dark Eldar: 1, Orks: 0, Contested: 1 I deployed one unit of warriors into cover on the objective but my plan was to bait and switch bases from the start. A Drukhari Ravager equipped with Dark Lances. Venom Mark II, Airbrushing Dark Eldar. Tray Dimensions - 20.5W x 15.5L x 6.25H" (520W x 395L x 159H) (Made for the P.A.C.K. Ravager: 3x Dark Lance, Shock Prow + Dedicated Transport + Raider: Dark Lance, Kabal. My first game was Vs Blood Angels which i can say i won even if the objective was less than an inch away from my Raider. Liam "Corrode" Royle. 5 wracks- 2 liquifiers 60 . DH vs. I'm not sure why ravager is $20-25 more expensive (unless i pay that much for extra 2 guns) if there's a noticeable difference in size that's fair enough. I was also able to strip two hullpoints off the incubi raider and shake, which was great as it was not able to move. 40K. Wave 3: Mounted Kabals and Cults-- A much larger wave of swift-moving Dark Eldar troops, comprising an Archon and his bodyguard of Kabalite Trueborns on a Raider, 2 squads of Raiders, a squad of Hellions, a Ravager and an entire Wych Cult transported by a Raider, swoop in to engage the survivors of the earlier waves' attacks, and in particular . Dark Eldar: Warlord, 10 killpoints (including the two running at the end of the game). I. Last weeks battle report first of a fantasy game is followed up by another first this week- a battle report that I didn't actually play in! You're Dark Eldar, movement is key to your army, so this is always worth considering. The Dark Eldar opened fire in return--the Ravager, Raider and Reaver Jetbikes all opened fire on the marines, but failed to score a single hit. Thus I am somewhat forced to make a multiple layer of obscuring targets (venoms at the front, Raiders in the . Dark Eldar The third squad of wyches disembark from their raider, and the Archon and his unit hop in. Deciding that close combat must be the way to go, the Dark Eldar Wyches and Warpbeasts charged into combat. Q: In missions where players alternate deploying units, do units that are set up somewhere other than the battlefield still count as a player's deployment choice? Battle Report 39- 1800 pts Orks vs Dark Eldar. Outside of combat, they act as personal bodyguards, protecting their client every second of the day. Bloodskies flies away and lands close to Da Ooniform Boyz' Trukk. But in true Dark Eldar style I have my revenge as the Dissintigrator Ravager takes out most of the squad and forces the rest to go to ground. Drukhari vs Nurgle 9th Edition Halloween Stream Match! Dedicated Transports - 3 Raiders, a Wave Serpent, and a Venom. This week's battle report features an 1800 pts match up between Seb's Orks and James' Dark Eldar. All in all the Dark Lance isn't a great weapon, AT -wise it looses out to the Scourge held haywire blaster which is much more reliable. All 3 I believe have a place in DE list and bring something each of the other doesn't. First up: The . Are the exactly the same size? Two more Jetbikes are shot down in a hail of Bolter fire. The Dark Eldar were exactly what you expected on the 3rd edition tabletop. Mostly just switching wargear around. Coteaz failed his psychic phase but moved towards the center. I tried a couple of different things while building it, but kept coming back to my original design. The second game was Vs Ork's which was a totaly annihilation. The Dark Eldar commonly use the Ravager to emerge from a Webway portal and wreak havoc on enemy armour, fortifications and personnel. This one sports an opening salvo of 16 Dark Lances followed by 9 additional Blasters. If not - i may as well buy extra 2 raiders and just add . Dark Eldar vs Squatarii War Convocation . Finally it's the game I've been waiting for. It looks a lot like the first venom. 5 warriors 40 . Maybe the best looking vehicle back then, the Ravager was fast and deadly - and looked the part. HQ (140pts) Dark Lances are for; Raiders transporting ranged units. The warp beasts tore up a squad of assault marines and their Chaplin with the help of the bikes. My shooting shakes the Land Raider and completely wipes out the Long Fang Squad. Let the slave raid begin! Despite the onslaught of the Eldar offensive taxing the already overstretched Imperial defensive line, but the Inquisiton has 'requested' that he send his men of the Cadian 3569th . To update my Dark Eldar list to fit 9th missions without raiding the savings account (too much). Lascannons and Heavy Bolters take fire and a Splinter Cannon squad leaps out of an exploding Raider. Raider- grisly trophies 90 . This tournament was played on the day of the release of the new codex, so he wasn't using it in this game, but he was really excited by the new book. On the Dark Eldar left, the two Raiders advanced and disembarked their Wych Squads. My Dark Lance Ravager is prevented from moving or shooting by the pesky long fangs.