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Due to the continuing economic problems and lack of demand caused by consumers seeking to purchase 2009 Bordeaux as well as 2010 Bordeaux, prices remain low for 2008 Bordeaux wine.By the time 2008 Bordeaux wine first hit the market.To read about other Bordeaux vintages from 1945 to today:For a look at the best wine values from the vintage:If you like a page in The Wine Cellar Insider, please link to it! There was very little demand until Robert Parker published his notes later that year. フランス ワインの2008年は、評価の高い2009年の影に隠れているヴィンテージです。,ボルドーとブルゴーニュは比較的難しいヴィンテージであり、シャンパーニュは冷涼なヴィンテージでした。,気温が上がりましたが4月と5月は雨が多く、ベト病が発生してしまいました。その後7月~8月は不安定な天候が続き、9月には天候が回復しましたが難しいヴィンテージとなりました。,全体的に冷涼で湿気が多かったので、病気と闘わなければならない難しいヴィンテージだったのです。,難しいヴィンテージとはなりましたが、とはいえ2009年とは対照的である繊細な味わいは魅力的です。,7月に入り冷涼ながら天候は良好でしたが、後半には嵐が来てしまい、コート ド ボーヌでは雹の被害に遭ってしまいました。,8月に入り前半は涼しかったものの、後半は気温が上がり暑く恵まれた日照量を得ることが出来ました。,9月後半は晴天に恵まれたため、晴れている時期に収穫を行うことはできましたが、難しいヴィンテージとなりました。,全体的に冷涼な気候であり、霜の被害とウドンコ病の発生により、生産量は少なくなっています。,9月からは天候が回復しましたが、生育期の冷涼な気候によりブドウが熟すまでには時間が必要でした。,幸いにも10月も天候に恵まれたため、収穫を遅らせて完熟させることが出来たシャトーは、品質の高いワインを生産することが出来ました。,ボルドーの一般的なシャトーやブルゴーニュの村名クラス以下のワインも早めに飲みましょう。,ボルドーの上級シャトー、ブルゴーニュのプルミエクリュ、グランクリュも飲み頃です。あと5年以内に飲むのがいいでしょう。. The fixtures were announced on 23 May 2008. フランス ワインの2008年は、評価の高い2009年の影に隠れているヴィンテージです。 ボルドーとブルゴーニュは比較的難しいヴィンテージであり、シャンパーニュは冷涼なヴィンテージでした。 シャンパーニュは春まで寒さが長く続きました。 © Copyright 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020. By continuing to use this site, you consent to this. The 2008 Bordeaux wine harvest got off to an auspicious start after the moderate winter conditions. in seconda Jean-Louis Gasset Presidente Jean-Louis Triaud Ligue 1 Questa pagina raccoglie i dati riguardanti il Football Club des Girondins de Bordeaux nelle competizioni ufficiali della stagione 2008-2009 Bordeaux became champions for the sixth time on the last weekend of the season. By the time 2008 Bordeaux wine first hit the market, China had become the biggest buyer of high end Bordeaux wine. Football Club des Girondins de Bordeaux Stagione 2008-2009 Allenatore Laurent Blanc All. While the growing season was below average, the 2008 Bordeaux vintage was saved by the long growing season and extended harvest time. Site design by Chris Schendel.This site uses cookies to give you the best user experience. The season began on 9 August 2008 and ended on 30 May 2009. Yields were low. Due to the continuing economic problems and lack of demand caused by consumers seeking to purchase 2009 Bordeaux as well as 2010 Bordeaux, prices remain low for 2008 Bordeaux wine. If you don’t accept the use of cookies, please change your browser settings so cookies from this website cannot be placed on your device. To learn about our,2008 Bordeaux in bottle reviews and tasting notes,Best 2008 Bordeaux wine for the money today,Search Wine Tasting Notes, Reviews, Ratings, Bordeaux and Other Wines,Bordeaux Wine Buying Guides, Various Wine Articles,Advertise in The Wine Cellar Insider Exclusive Sponsorship Avails. Les Girondins de Bordeaux sont engagés cette année dans 4 compétitions : la Ligue 1, la Coupe de la Ligue où ils n'entreront qu'à partir du stade des 8e de finale1, la Coupe de France et la Ligue des champions. French club Bordeaux announced on Monday a squad member had tested positive for coronavirus but his name had been kept private for medical … It was exactly what the vintage needed. This was due to the combination of nature, along with the need for selection and the hail storms that took place in the spring.At the top end for 2008 Bordeaux wine, the properties that were ready, willing and able to wait , as well as exercise prudent selection in their vineyards and cellars  produced very good, 2008 Bordeaux wine. Growers needed to spray to control the onset of rot in the vineyards.Once again, fortune smiled on the Bordeaux wine region with sunshine, warm days and cool nights during the harvest, which took place under good conditions. A total of 20 teams contested the league, consisting of 17 who competed the previous season and three that were promoted from France's second division Ligue 2. Some growers in St. Emilion did not finish picking until the first week in November! Problems with mold and mildew, cool temperatures and rain were pervasive. With the 2008 Bordeaux vintage, hang times ranged from 135 days to as long as an amazing 160 days! Flowering was uneven and delayed. The flowering was uneven, due to a cool, wet, May. The style of 2008 Bordeaux wine show the signs of a cooler vintage in their red fruit dominated finish.2008 Bordeaux wine enjoys the fact that is was the last of the well priced Bordeaux wine vintages. The wines languished. Keep in mind, the First Growths were being offered at $200 per bottle. Trust me on this, you will never see the First Growths selling for $200 dollars again. Since that time, the First Growths have continued to skyrocket. All material on this web site, including but not limited to written articles, tasting notes and photographs are the exclusive property of Jeff Leve and may not be copied, used, or reprinted without written notice and must be properly accredited with links to the appropriate page where the material was first published in The Wine Cellar Insider without exception to Jeff Leve/The Wine Cellar Insider. 2008 Bordeaux wine is also the result of as a small harvest. The.Generally speaking, the average amount of hang time in a growing season is close to 100 days. Due to the world-wide economic crisis, and because Robert Parker was not going to review or rate 2008 Bordeaux wine until later that year, the wines were first offered at very low prices. As a point of comparison, at the time, 2005 First Growths were selling for close to $1,000 per bottle! 1928年から現在までのボルドーのヴィンテージガイドです。潜在能力の評価、特徴、熟成度合がわかります。同じヴィンテージ二つとありません。このチャートで、近年のヴィンテージの特徴を把握することができます。【ボルドーワイン公式サイト】

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