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Allez, prends ton courage à deux mains et annonce-lui la nouvelle. English counterpart: to cast a glance, to take a look. Meaning: Ever drank a little too much alcohol? Literally: to take one’s legs to one’s neck. Meaning: You use this idiom to say you have to restrict yourself and do without something you are used to. This idiom is often used to criticize someone who earns lots of money. to drive crazy. The French are fed up with their president. Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Meaning: In winter, when it’s very cold, ducks go away from lakes and are therefore exposed to hunters. J’en avais marre de ce fromager, donc j’ai changé de crémerie. “To bite off more than you can chew” actually refers to taking things on in life, and then not being able to handle it or the consequences (for example, agreeing to plan a wedding, but then not being prepared for the amount of work it entails) You can’t move to a new place on a whim, it’s an important decision. Ce n’est pas de la tarte, mais ça vaut le coup. This French idiom means you are gossiping about someone who isn’t there. You write that «Avoir un coup de foudre» means, literally, “to have a struck of lightning.” Wouldn’t that be a “strike” of lightening? But you wouldn’t use this idiom to say “I don’t know”, the meaning is closer to “I have taken the time to think about it, and frankly I don’t know the answer to your question, so I give up”. Merci. Ça va tourner au vinaigre si personne n’intervient. Meaning: Une “peur bleue” is a fear closer to terror than to actual fear. To be on your 31 therefore means that you are wearing your most beautiful clothes, that you are elegant.“Se mettre sur son 31′′ is also used sometimes. Come on, gather your courage, and tell him the news. Jacqueline, I am trying to find the English equivalent of the French expression : “servir de lièvre”. Meaning: Some people “prennent leurs jambes à leur cou” (run away), while other prefer to be brave and take their courage with two hands. Découvrez comment récupérer un ancien compte Facebook auquel vous ne pouvez pas vous connecter. English counterpart: to be terrified, to be scared to death of something. J’aime les gens qui vont droit au but et ne tournent pas autour du pot. That’s the kind fear someone afraid of flying or afraid of spiders would experience. Voici d’autres expressions… It’s often used in negative sentences to say you shouldn’t bother too much with something. “It’s the why of the thing.” That’s literal. I have always heard this as “putting in your 2 cents worth”. Note: Young people tend to use “aller voir ailleurs” (to go see elsewhere) more. I replaced his wine by grape juice and he didn’t notice anything. Poor him, everyone is talking behind his back. Ça fait plus de trois heures qu’elle pleure comme une madeleine, je me demande quand elle va arrêter. Our VR headsets redefine digital gaming & entertainment. C’est tellement facile que Je pourrais le faire les doigts dans le nez. Seeking better baby safety technology, Joanna, together with a pediatrician, A.I. He still hasn’t arrived, there is something wrong. Most of it is accessible to me. I’m struggling through a couple of children’s books (en français), and I am regularly tripped up by idioms. Every year, lots of tourists fall into the trap and buy fake diamond rings. I’ll keep you posted. Ne pourrait-on simplement pas traduire par “Ne pas jouer dans la même division” ? Meaning: The word “taquet” used to refer to a piece of wood put between a door and a wall to block it. I wonder if that’s why native Feench speakers talk so quickly. Meaning: boire un coup is the expression you use when you want to ask a friend to have a drink with you. English counterpart to fall into the trap. The expression “être au taquet” means that something is blocking you, but in a positive way, meaning that you could not be in a better situation. It’s the second time I lose my keys this week, I am really stupid. Chaque année de nombreux touristes tombent dans le panneau et achètent de fausses bagues en or. If you want, we can eat on the go instead of going to the restaurant. Meaning: you generally use this expression to say you keep yourself or someone else up to date. He always has to put his two cents in our conversations, it irritates me! When you “eat on the thumb”, it means you actually eat quickly and don’t sit down to enjoy and share the moment with your family and friends. -“Parti au petit coin” Wow. Il était tellement à l’ouest qu’il s’est trompé de chambre en rentrant à hôtel. So “en train de” is actually the equivalent of “be + ing”. That is, you caught him red-handed. Ce n’est pas ton problème, occupe-toi de tes oignons ! [USA: Lord have mercy!] I am enjoying reading through them as it’s quite handy when I need to find the French equivalents to English phrasal verbs and/or idiomatic expressions. Je n’arrive pas à parler aujourd’hui, j’ai un chat dans la gorge. Ceramide Face Oil £44 Best Seller Rosehip Bioregenerate. Oh non, je l’ai acheté pour une bouchée de pain. Meaning: This is a colloquial (and rather rude) way of saying someone doesn’t care about something or someone. I like “revenons à nos moutons”. English counterpart: to have better things to do, to have other fish to fry. She took your instructions Literally and went on vacation. English counterpart: to pack up and go, to leave suddenly, Prends tes cliques et tes claques, je ne veux plus te voir, Pack up and go, I don’t want to see you anymore. Meaning: We all know someone who always finds something to complain about and pays attention to the most insignificant details. Un peu comme un Martien en fait. English counterpart: to summon the courage to do something, to gather one’s courage. Il est triste, parce qu’il lui a posé un lapin. Tu peux y jeter un coup d’oeil plus tard si tu manques de temps. mon vieux/ma vieille = (literally) my old one [my old friend/my buddy, or maybe something like the US …brother/sister, my man/my girl] Le pauvre, tout le monde casse du sucre sur son dos. Ça fait 5 ans qu’il est parti, il est temps de tourner la page. = Sometimes used like: Mon Dieu! Elle a pris tes instructions au pied de la lettre et est partie en vacances. Anyway, thanks for all the idioms. Literally: to make a tobacco. Olivier Véran face à BFM: "J'ai conscience du côté anxiogène des messages, l'idée n'est pas d'angoisser les Français" Don't panic. Let’s meet at 10 AM in front of Exit 2 of the subway station Etoile tomorrow? In French, we say that this person “cherche la petite bête”. This work is difficult. The track runs 3 minutes and 51 seconds long with a C key and a major mode. Merci en avance ! Imagined by a GANgenerative adversarial network) StyleGAN2 (Dec 2019) - Karras et al. For some young people, drinking heavily is a game. Share photos and videos, send messages and get updates. Ce n’est pas de la tarte, mais ça vaut le coup. I called him, but he turned a deaf ear/ pretended he didn’t hear me. Sorry, I forgot we were supposed to meet today, I’m not with it at all. Meaning: You can use this idiom to express the feeling that you have something in your throat and therefore need to cough to clear it. Generate engaging videos for e-learning, customer onboarding, etc. Do you know of any such expression french for beauty and confidence combined? J’aime bien me tenir au courant de l’actualité. You can take a look later if you lack time. English counterpart: to feel blue, to feel down, to feel depressed. I heard a French expression/idiom that in English translation was “I’m beautiful and I don’t even try”. Nathan is sad because he got knocked back. Meaning it unexpectedly and suddenly seduced you. Meaning: Back in the 15th century, a “panneau” was a net used to catch wild animals. Qu’est-ce qui se passe? D’après la météo, il va pleuvoir des cordes pendant toute la semaine. Take a big spoon of strong mustard and swallow it. Oh no, if it keeps raining so much, we will have to cancel the picnic. Many teenagers don’t feel comfortable with themselves. He ran a marathon today, that’s why he’s exhausted. Meaning: You can say you have other cats to whip to explain that you have something better to do than what you are asked or expected to do. Learn more about Quest 2, our most advanced all-in-one VR system yet. Réponses à la question "Bonsoir, Je suis acheteur et vendre régulier et je suis face à un gros problème depuis le vendredi 13 novembre. It can also be used double-time at 194 BPM. I think I came across one something like “elle fait le mouche” and it was the French equivalent of “she hit the nail on the head”. C’est du n’importe quoi, ça! English counterpart: to be exhausted, to be extremely tired. So when you read that something costs an arm, it means it costs a fortune. Ton frère fait toujours l’andouille, c’est fatigant à force. Je suis parti pour l’Australie sur un coup de tête. The AI community building the future. T’as l’air crevé, qu’est-ce qui se passe ? English counterpart: hands down, with one hand tied behind your back. Thank you for sharing Benjamin, great post as always! It’s the end of the world. Je sais pas, je te tiens au courant. And you’ll never truly sound French if you don’t know their meaning. English counterpart: to talk bullshit, to spin a yarn. On l’a pris la main dans le sac alors qu’il était sur le point de partir. I was tired of this cheese maker, so I go to another one now. . She has been crying a lot for more than three hours, I wonder when she is going to stop. ubble has enabled us to significantly reduce the complexity of our operations and save tens of thousands of Euros per month. . Meaning: In French, “raconter des salades” means you’re inventing a story hoping people will believe you. The mailman didn’t seem to feel well yesterday. English counterpart: to be spaced out, to not be with it. Thanks for this information :). I should be studying for my exams, but I can’t be bothered. English counterpart: to take a long weekend. Meaning: Ah pine trees, Christmas, happiness…and hum coffins. He feels (looks likes he feels) great today, it makes me happy. Thanks for your help, I would say, “to raise a thorny issue” or “to bring up a prickly subject.”, no. Il t’a coûté cher ce DVD ? English counterpart: to be/feel under the weather. Ah yeah I really like this one too. Am I right? For non-personalised content and ads, what you see may be influenced by things like the content that you’re currently viewing and your location (ad serving is based on general location). My boyfriend dumped me. Meaning: you are “crevé” when you don’t have energy anymore, you’re exhausted and just want to rest. Il est devenu rouge comme une tomate quand il a appris la nouvelle. Meaning: Want to know where this idiom comes from? Bing helps you turn information into action, making it faster and easier to go from searching to doing. That’s what the French call “se prendre un râteau”. I am translating La Folle de Chaillot into English. Literally: to throw the money through the windows. English counterpart: to be bitterly cold, to be icy cold. Google Images. Meaning; Before, beans were the last food remaining when everything else was gone. I don’t know. {{'toggleNavigation' | translate}} Doclr Covid test {{'patient.referenceDoclr' | translate}} {{'patient.help' | translate}} cookies - privacy I will go take a look to see what’s not working (lit: going). Alright! Oh these are useful. Personalised content and ads include things like more relevant results and recommendations, a customised YouTube homepage, and ads that are tailored to your interests. Les fonctionnaires ont tous un poil dans la main, c’est bien connu ! In summer, lots of passengers faint in the Parisian subway, because of the heat. The expression is “faire mouche”. The mailman? All this category is very interesting We can have a drink if you want. To make it easier to remember, think about the English expression “holy cow”. La société de consommation nous incite à jeter l’argent par les fenêtres. English counterpart: to be all dressed up. etre sur son 31 is also linked to the 31st of december because it is new year eve and everyone dress “formal”! Meaning: You use this idiom to say you are going to take a quick look at something. Art • Cats • Horses • Chemicals. After such a day, you’re necessarily tired. He has been in bad shape ever since his girlfriend dumped him. Meaning: Imagine you’re in the subway and see a pickpocket taking a phone out of a bag. Literally: to take one’s courage with two hands. to pass the baby) It means to pass something on to someone else. Qu’est-ce que vous êtes en train de faire ? Meaning: In the Bible, Marie Madeleine was a former prostitute who begged Jesus to forgive her. Beaucoup de jeunes ne se sentent pas bien dans leur peau. You can also say that you have a “coup de foudre” for an object. Bosses earn lots of money, while employees earn very little. English counterpart: to eat on the go, on the run. Oui, il était rouge comme une écrevisse. Your brother annoys me with his questions. He is sulking because he didn’t get what he wanted. You can also use “un coup d’oeil” alone to say “a glance”. Personalised content and ads can be based on those things and your activity, like Google searches and videos that you watch on YouTube. Vous ne pouvez pas déménager sur un coup de tête, c’est une décision importante. I really loved the idioms. Think about a smiley face in the shape of a banana. Ce livre a fait un tabac. Meaning: This expression comes from the latin “cum grano salis“. English counterpart: there is nothing left/it’s the end. Literally: to give one’s tongue to the cat. Thank you for taking your time to write these up. Meaning: you use “en avoir marre” when you’ve had enough of something or someone.For example, you’ll often hear French people complain about trains being late and say “j’en ai marre”. Note: “clique” isn’t used anymore, and “claque” now means “slap”. J'ai acheté un lot de mangas via l'application et le service de paiement Leboncoin mais mon paiement est "en cours" depuis ce jour. Meaning: this idiom means that two objects or person look alike. Defy reality with Oculus. On se voit où demain ? English counterpart: to cost an arm and a leg / to cost a fortune. This has the same meaning as “en avoir marre”. The expression comes from the fact that your mouth is dry like wood when you have a hangover. Note: don’t confuse this expression with “faire la fête” (to party). English counterpart: to drink like a fish, to drink heavily. Monsieur, pouvez-vous décrire le visage de la personne qui vous a attaqué ? Meaning: You “make the head” when you are not happy with something and decide to sulk as a result. We're sorry but camptocamp.org doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. Watch your suitcase or you risk losing it! When he saw the dog, he started running for his life. English counterpart: to make a mountain out of a molehill/to make a fuss about something. J’ai remplacé son vin par du jus de raisin et il n’y a vu que du feu. Le facteur ? He looked/became very embarrassed when he heard the news. Raphael, stop talking about your sister behind her back, it’s rude. It’s driven me nuts that I lost it. Very practical :). most of the time just to be nice. Meaning: “to turn the page”, means you forget about the past and move on. You can use this French idiom when something is wrong, English counterpart: To not add up, not be right. They said “this guy does not play in the same league as you, believe me”. So “un froid de canard” is an extremely cold and hostile weather. We’re now having much the same conversation about AI in general (or more properly machine learning) and especially about face recognition, which has only become practical because of machine learning. The ‘worth’ at the end is added, it doesn’t sound quite right otherwise. Les patrons s’en mettent plein les poches, alors que les employés gagnent peu. Rien de mieux que des vacances au soleil pour avoir la pêche. It is still commonly used in french. English counterpart; to put two cents in. English counterpart: to be going flat out, to be going full throttle, to be full on. It was not quite “Je suis belle comme je suis”…; it was longer and had something about effortlessness. After drinking heavily, I decided to sleep in. N’importe quoi! “Train” means “a train”, but it also means “action” in old French. So bookmark this article and select the category you’re the most interested in. Where is your brother? J’ai encore perdu mes clefs, j’en ai ras le bol! English counterpart: to have a lot on your plate. Code for training your own . Il n’est toujours pas arrivé, il y a quelque chose qui cloche. Alors c’est quoi la réponse? I ask this because (je suis désolée pour dit ça !) Literally: to take something to the letter’s foot. Tu ne seras jamais heureux si tu cherches toujours la petite bête. Si vous voulez trouver un travail, vous ne devez pas y aller de main morte/ avec le dos de la cuillère. English counterpart: to be raining cats and dogs. On peut aller boire un coup si tu veux. . He was too sick/ was feeling too bad to come. Il fait la tête car il n’a pas eu ce qu’il voulait. However, it may come from the word “trentain” which used to refer to a luxurious tissue. English counterpart: To have a frog in one’s throat. If you want to find a job, you need to be dynamic. Meaning: This is an idiom you can use to say someone is happy and full of energy. Thanks for sharing , it also might come from the distortion of the old French word “trentain”, which used to refer to a high-quality cloth, “Avoir un poil dans la main” is ne very a popular expression in France ^.^, My favorite one is “avoir d’autres chats à fouetter” (“to have further cats to beat” or something like that)! Meaning: This expression is used to say you don’t know about something and are unable to give an answer. Connaissez un équivalent français pour « if you don’t use it, you loose it! Meaning: This violent idiom means that someone is annoying someone else. You shouldn’t trust him, he often talks bullshit.

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